понедельник, 4 ноября 2013 г.

First post with some explanation about why I started this blog and what it will be like

So, I've missed the deadline for the final assignment on the Coursera writing course.

Thing is, the course really inspired me. Learning about different phrases and clauses ensured me that all of those passages I tend to write really do exist in English language. Moreover, one of the reading materials says that using such constructs is not a flaw, but it's my personal style, or at least it can be my personal style if I want it to be so. And I actually do. Besides, this course really does explain how to craft texts in a way so the process seems easily doable.

Maybe if I handed in that final assignment in time and received some peer evaluation and a statement of accomplishment, then I would really feel like I've used all my inspiration for the good cause, and that would be it. Well, as you already know, I actually didn't.

And so this unused inspiration made me think again about starting a blog in English. This time I have a practical reason, too - I've started crocheting again, and free patterns that I enjoyed convinced me to share my improvised patterns for over people.

It's not likely that I will improvise enough patterns for a blog, so I will use this as a place to post anything I like to. Chances are that it will be bad photos of autumn (and other seasons), reports on various pie recipes (and cakes, and cookies, and whatnot), and also random thoughts if they manage to bother me enough for writing a post.

English is not my native language, so there will be mistakes here. Feel free to point them out, if you like to.

Well, that's it for the first post, so good luck for me with keeping this going, and let's get started.

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